request a copy from the author at the addresses listed above. have Menu Events and its companion application Menu Grabber, you may familiar with Apple event scripting. If your favorite archive site does not NOTE: Menu Events is intended for Macintosh programmers and those  an Apple event, such as Maybe. Virtual Desktop menus can be instigated by any application which can send menu commands, and no scripting interface. Any action you can do using Virtual Desktop is a useful target for a Menu event, because it has many   target application to do it. state of the application’s menus, then select a menu command and tell the having a menu bar. These “Menu events” let you query the contents and program send Apple events to most high-level-event-aware applications Menu Events is a small, single-purpose system extension which lets any  _ _ _  xMenu Events    “right” location for that target item, then open it. Maybe and Virtual Desktop co-operate to scroll the virtual desktop to the whenever you open the converted alias, whose icon looks like the original, that alias, attaching the door file as the item to open first. Then, work on in a preset location on the virtual desktop, Maybe can convert If you have an alias to a document or application which you might like to   from Finder is another way to open the door. door file, whose name matches the name of a door. Opening a door file Virtual Desktop has an option to create a very small document called a you open any other item just as the target item is being opened or printed. Among the options of Maybe, a Finder alias enhancer, is one which lets  U U U  xMaybe    routine operation. application, archived, or trashed, without affecting Virtual Desktop’s This help file can be stored separately from the Virtual Desktop  hypertext buttons. on Wheels, such as context-sensitivity, casual displays, and “hot” of Virtual Desktop has some support for the sophisticated features of Help will open to display the help file after startup is complete. This version Virtual Desktop extension icon with a help balloon on it. The help server key while the machine is starting up, and release the key once you see the Help or Command-? key. Alternatively, press the Help or Command-? selecting “Virtual Desktop Help” from the Help menu, or by pressing the You can read this help at any time while using Virtual Desktop, either by   Help on Wheels document. distributed alongside the Virtual Desktop application file as a separate help files on behalf of client applications. The help file you are reading is Help on Wheels is an efficient and full-featured help server which displays  K K K  xHelp on Wheels     work in conjunction with the other programs. programs, AWOL Utilities. This section explains how Virtual Desktop can Virtual Desktop is distributed as part of a free set of cooperating   åSuggestions for Use @ @